DPOC Membership Gaining Momentum
AmeriCOM’s Defense Precision Optics Consortium (DPOC) is pleased to announce its inaugural members:

4D Technology, deploying patented technology and innovative metrology products for measuring surface quality and defects on precision surfaces
AccuCoat Inc., supplying thin-film coatings on plastic, metal, glass and crystal components for global customers
Advanced Thin Films, providing spectrally complex optical components for high power laser systems
Apre, manufacturing surface and wavefront interferometers to advance the optics industry
The Institute of Optics, awarding more than half of all optics degrees in the U.S., and recognized as the nation’s first educational program devoted to optics
LaCroix Precision Optics, celebrating more than 70 years of service manufacturing custom optical components and assemblies
Lattice Materials, providing custom-grown and machined silicon and germanium material with full traceability
LightPath Technologies, offering optics and photonics solutions to blue-chip customers across industrial, defense, telecommunications, and medical industries
Meadowlark Optics, designing, developing, and manufacturing an extensive range of high-quality polarization systems and components
NACL Industrial, creating optical coating solutions for a variety of industries including military, medical, automotive, consumer device, augmented reality, machine learning, and LIDAR/UAV systems
Optimax, leveraging advanced optics manufacturing to empower programs that benefit humanity and safeguard freedom
OptiPro Systems, providing precision machine tools and Mastercam software for New York state manufacturing companies for more than 40 years
OSE Optics, an industry leader in creating custom optical solutions
Ruda Optical, provisioning solutions in optical alignment, tight tolerancing, and custom high-precision designs.
Thorlabs, designing and manufacturing products in fiber optics, lasers, optical instrumentation, optomechanics, photonics, and vibration isolation
Transformative Optics Corporation, blending advanced science with practical tools to revolutionize optics and imaging
Universal Photonics, a world-leader in critical surface preparation materials, dedicated to the advancement of surfacing and polishing technology in all phases of fabrication
Vertex Optics, manufacturing precision optics and ceramic components for the aerospace, medical, defense, semiconductor, energy, and automotive industries
AmeriCOM will spotlight DPOC-member organizations in upcoming issues of Optics Insider. To learn more about how the Consortium can benefit your organization, and for more information on how to join, visit our DPOC website.