Building the Montana Pipeline of Technicians
Gallatin College Montana State University, in Bozeman, MT, has played a key role in the rapid growth of the photonics and remote sensing industry in the southwest region of the state. A key component of the College’s workforce training and development efforts, its Photonics and Laser Technology (PLT) program, provides targeted training in optics, photonics, and electronics and includes courses in geometric and physical optics, DC/AC circuits, electronics and logic design, laser design and operating principles, and laser system component design and characterization. The PLT program currently awards an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree and is evaluating plans to also award a one-year certificate.

With the significant growth of the region’s photonics industry and remote sensing applications along with the announcement of the Montana Headwaters Tech Hub award from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, Gallatin College recognized that it must expand the scope of its PLT program. AmeriCOM agreed and worked closely with regional industry and faculty from both Gallatin College and Montana State University to design an enhanced program specifically related to optical metrology. AmeriCOM will support the establishment of a new teaching laboratory with the procurement of metrology equipment and additional staffing.
“Gallatin College is excited to partner with AmeriCOM in this program expansion and in so doing, materially impact the immediate needs of our industry base,” says Stephanie Gray, M.P.A., Dean. This, in turn, will fortify the optics and photonics workforce, so critical to strengthening the nation’s industrial base.

Along with the enhanced facilities, AmeriCOM will collaborate with Gallatin College to expand its high school dual-enrollment offering, create pre-professional mentorship and apprenticeship programs, and train instructors.